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Donkey Milk’s History


Donkeys belong to the Equidae family, which also includes horses and zebras. Various breeds of domesticated donkeys live all over the world, and like many other mammals, female donkeys, known

as jennies, have been raised for thousands of years for their milk.


Donkey milk may sound like a trendy newcomer to the cosmetic market, but in reality, it has been around for thousands of years.  Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, used to bathe in donkey’s milk to keep her skin soft.

Poppaea and Messalina knew about its youth-giving properties. Pauline Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister, is reported to have used donkey milk for skin care.  Hippocrates was the first to write of the medicinal virtues of donkey milk and reportedly he used it as a treatment for arthritis, coughs, and wounds.   Pliny the Elder in his encyclopedic work, Naturalis Historia, wrote extensively about its health benefits, but it wasn't until the Renaissance that the first real scientific consideration was given to donkey milk. Subsequently, the Comte de Buffon mentions the benefits of donkey milk in his Histoire Naturelle. 



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